How are these Climates different?


In Hot Deserts:
Annual Precipitation: 0.25 cm (0.1 in). All months less than 0.25 cm (0.1 in).

In Boreal Climates:
Average Annual Precipitation: 31 cm (12 in).

This shows us that Boreal Climates receive a lot more precipitation than Hot Deserts do!

Temperature Range!

In Hot Desert Climates:
Temperature Range: 16° C

In Boreal Climates:
Temperature Range: 41 °C (74 °F), lows; -25 °C (-14 °F), highs; 16 °C (60 °F).

Also Boreal Climates have a much larger temperature range than Hot Deserts do!
Of course Boreal Climates usually have much lower temperatures than hot deserts, as you can see from these two climate graphs:


Hot Desert Climate Graph:


Boreal Climate graph:

In Boreal climates, the highest temperature reached was around thirteen degrees Celsius while in the Hot Desert climate, the highest temperature reached was around 30 degrees celsius! Also the amount of precipitation fallen is hugely different in the two climate graphs!